Installation and Setup¶
Install Silas¶
Silas Edu works right out of the zip, no installation required.
If you wish to run Silas from any directory, you can include the executable directory in “Path”.
On Debian 9.6.0, Silas Edu works right out of the zip. On other distributions, you may need to install the TBB library. For instance, on Ubuntu 18.04.1 you may install it using the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libtbb-dev
If the package libtbb-dev cannot be located, you can add universe in your sources.list using the following command:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb bionic universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
If you wish to run Silas from any directory, you can include the executable directory in “PATH”.
Silas Edu works right out of the zip, no installation required.
If you wish to run Silas from any directory, you can include the executable directory in “PATH”.
Set Environment Variable¶
Set Path on Windows¶
Press the Windows key on the keyboard and search “Edit the system environment variables” and click the corresponding result.
Click “Environment Variables…” button.
In the “System variables” box, double click the row for variable “Path”.
Click “New”.
Paste the path of the silas binary to the new entry.
Click “OK” (3 times).
The above changes will take effect when you open a new command prompt.
Set PATH on Linux¶
Open a terminal. Go to your home directory:
cd ~
Open the .bashrc file using your favourite text editor. Here we will use gedit:
sudo gedit .bashrc
Add the following lines to the file. Replace path_of_silas with the directory where the silas binary is located (e.g., Applications/Silas/bin):
export PATH=$PATH:path_of_silas
Save the file and exit.
The above changes will take effect when you open a new terminal.
Set PATH on Mac¶
Open a terminal. Go to your home directory:
cd ~
If you don’t have a file named .bash_profile yet, create it with the following command:
> .bash_profile
Open the .bash_profile file:
open -e .bash_profile
Add the following lines to the file. Replace path_of_silas with the directory where the silas binary is located (e.g., ~/Documents/Silas/):
export PATH=$PATH:path_of_silas
Save the file and exit.
The above changes will take effect when you open a new terminal.